Welcome, here are some highlighted projects

Project One: Portfolio Website

Technologies: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and GitHub

A portfolio website can serve many purposes. Professionals, agencies, freelancers, and artists, in general, require an artistic medium to display their work. With this project, I designed and developed a portfolio website.


Project Two: VJ Herbal

Technologies: Bootstrap, JavaScript, and an API

This is a Herbal Seller's Website that also provides the latest news about health in the Philippines through the World News API.

Project Three: Social Media App

Technologies: Bootstrap, Github, React.js, Laravel, Custom APIs, Vercel, and Heroku

With the rise of online communities, it would be nice to have a dedicated platform to help such communities establish an identity. This is a Socila Media App where you can add stories, post photos, like your friends' photos, comment on your friends' posts, follow your friends, and do a variety of other things.


Other Projects


Web and Mobile App

A web and mobile application for ecommerce and a business management app that help business to scale online.


Clinic Website

An aesthetically appealing website of a health and beauty shop.


Graphic Design

A loyalty card designed to retain patrons of a clinic.


Developing and designing websites efficiently.

email @ jhonacenas0704@gmial.com

Jhonas © 2022. All rights reserved.

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