Developing and Designing Websites Efficiently


- Services -

Web Development

A developer that is equiped with the latest tech skills that put businesses online

UX Design

A professional UX designer certified by Google that design creative applications.


Have your website

Launch in 24 hours

After years of developing a system for web development process and working with the latest technology, your website can be launched within 24 hours at most.

Not satisfied,

it's Free

By utilizing global standard of UI and UX design, your website will surely stand out from the rest making your brand identity stand out in the market. And if it doesn't convert, it's Free.

ux design



- Martie A.

"Jhonas Website Development Service is worth much more than I paid."


- Betty M.

"Jhonas Website Development Service has got everything I need. Without Jhonas Website Development Service, we would have gone bankrupt by now. Jhonas Website Development Service has got everything I need."


- Ingunna S.

"It's exactly what I've been looking for. Just what I was looking for."

Frequently Asked Questions

It all depends on the project's scope. During our initial phone meeting, we will try to define the needs and key points of your project: the number of pages, specific functionalities, urgency, or the amount of animations required are determining factors that will vary the final price. After a proper evaluation, an estimate will be provided. My goal is always to find a reasonable price that works for both parties.

This will be determined by your requirements:

- A single landing page can take anywhere from eight to sixteen hours to complete.

- A complete website with 5-10 pages could take 6-8 weeks.

Of course, these figures are merely for informational purposes. If you already have all of your content and don't have much feedback, your delivery time will be reduced significantly!

Sure! Here are some of the services I can offer you:

- Copy writing

- Graphic design / branding

- Social media management

- IT support

Developing and Designing Websites Efficiently



Developing and designing websites efficiently.

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Jhonas © 2022. All rights reserved.

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