Getting Started with PHP

As a bootcamp student, I've learned that PHP is a server-side scripting language used to build dynamic web applications. It is widely used for web development and is a popular choice for creating web pages that interact with databases, process user input, and generate dynamic content. PHP can be embedded into HTML code, making it easy to create dynamic web pages that can display different content depending on user input or other conditions.

One of the key features of PHP is its ability to handle data and interact with databases. PHP can connect to a variety of databases, such as MySQL, and can retrieve or modify data based on user input or other conditions. This makes it an essential tool for building web applications that rely on databases to store and retrieve information.

In addition, PHP is highly versatile and can be used for a wide range of web development tasks, such as building content management systems, e-commerce sites, and web applications. With its large community and extensive library of pre-built modules and plugins, PHP is a powerful tool for building dynamic and engaging web applications. Overall, learning PHP in this bootcamp setting has provided me with the skills and knowledge needed to build functional and robust web applications that meet the needs of businesses and users alike.

Down below is a screenshot for our code along with this programming language and exploring Basic PHP Object Oriented Programming Principles.