MySQL and Workbench

As a bootcamp student, I've learned that MySQL is a powerful relational database management system that is widely used for web development. MySQL is a popular choice for building web applications because it is fast, scalable, and easy to use. It can handle large amounts of data and can be integrated into web applications to provide fast and reliable data storage and retrieval.

To interact with MySQL databases, we learned how to use MySQL Workbench, which is a graphical user interface (GUI) tool that allows developers to create and manage MySQL databases, tables, and queries. Workbench provides an intuitive and easy-to-use interface that allows developers to visually create and modify database structures, manage user accounts, and run SQL queries.

Overall, learning how to use MySQL and Workbench in this bootcamp setting has provided me with the skills and knowledge needed to build web applications that rely on databases for data storage and retrieval. With these tools, I can create and manage complex database structures, optimize database performance, and ensure that my web applications are fast, reliable, and scalable.

Down below is a screenshot of MySQL Workbench to demonstrate the use of it.

In addition, below is a screenshot of an ERD that we used for our Capstone