JavaScript Calculator


Create a simple calculator using JavaScript


  1. Clone the repository in your local machine. Create another branch with this format your_last_name-your_firstname_develop.
  2. After cloning, create two additional methods for the Calculator class for the remaining two math operations. That willbe for Multiplication and Division.
  3. Modify the UI and create 0 up 9 button keys which when pressed will be the input for the desired math operation. The input should be displayed in the text field (the calculator screen)
  4. Bind the +, -, *, /, c or C and = or "Enter" keys to the appropriate operation. . Example when button "5", "+", "6", "=" were pressed in that particular order, the result should be 11 (shown in the text field). And pressing "C" or "c" will clear the memory.
  5. Create a custom Clock class that will implement a method (or methods) to format the clock into 12-hr format and 24-hr format. You will need to provide the additional UI for toggling the clock format.
  6. Push your your_last_name-your_firstname_develop branch and create a pull request to the useracceptance branch.


Hey there! Need some help in calculations? Try this calculator out!

Basic Calculator