
Fullstack Web Development Bootcamp Completer

Personal Closing Report

Executive Summary:

This report summarizes my Fullstack Web Development learning experience from the months of September 2022 to February 2023. This program provided me with a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of how the web works and what technologies are making it possible. From the fundamentals of HTML and CSS to learning front-end frameworks and JavaScript which handles the logic and processes of data in every website on the client side. With PHP and Laravel framework that handles server-side programming. Through the program, I further learned how to create a full-stack web application that interacts with a relational database management system such as MySQL and MySQL Workbench for the GUI. By creating projects I have learned the real-life applications of such technologies. With this acquired knowledge and technical skills, I am looking forward to being able to apply it in the professional world where I can contribute and develop an application or a feature of an application that helps a business or an organization that provides value to its stakeholders.

Key Accomplishments:

  • Created a full-stack application and deployed it on the web
  • Gained a better understanding of how web technologies work under the hood
  • Learned how to leverage and appreciate frameworks for an efficient web development process

Lessons Learned:

  • When things get overwhelming, take a pause and start from the basics which are HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and SQL.
  • Daily hands-on coding is necessary to further reinforce knowledge and technical skills
  • When diving in a codebase and programming, do not repeat yourself and keep codes short and simple, do not over-engineer.

Next Steps:

  • Continue to practice and be project driven to enhance product development process
  • Daily recollection of the fundamental concepts and syntax until memorized by heart
  • Execute best practices and familiarize yourself with the programming architecture and structure with different web technologies

KodeGo Bootcamp Wrap Up

@hellojhonas It's a matter of showing up and *coding all out. Here's a quick run on my journey to being a full-stack developer in the past 4 months and continuously learning. #kodego #codingbootcamp #buildtheweb #fullstackwebdev #codelearning #learnprogramming #codenewbie #webdevelopment #informationtechnology ♬ original sound - jhonas